Good bye Inbox 😓

Olivier Lance
1 min readApr 5, 2019


So I was forced to move away from Inbox to Gmail because “Gmail now has all the features you love from Inbox”.

Well. No. I think Gmail was and still is an inferior product in many ways, first and foremost the cluttered, very busy design.

Inbox was clean, looking great and pleasant to use. Looking at my Gmail inbox almost makes me anxious, everything is packed (even in the cosy/comfortable/whatever display setting).

Now for the features… Inbox was more task-oriented: you could mark an email as “done”, which is different semantically than “archive”.

That I can still live with…

But seriously. SERIOUSLY. Bundling?! Where the f* is bundling in Gmail??

THIS was my favorite feature, and it’s NOT in Gmail.

Biggest pain ever to have to look at streams of emails clutter my inbox, and to have to multi-select them to delete/archive them.

Bundling is one of the best ideas Inbox had had, why did you kill it? Did you stop listening to your designers? Are they all gone?

This, and I’ve also been forced to switch to the Gmail app, into which you insert advertisement that fucking looks like emails.

“Don’t be evil”, uh? F* you.



Olivier Lance

Co-founder of Sylights and Digital Cuisine — Web and MacOS X developer